Essse Caffe`
Olimme jo jonkunaikaa etsineet yhteistyökumppania Italiasta, halusimme paahtimon joka on arvostettu ja edustaa sekä vanhvoja perinteitä että virkistävää ”uutta suuntaa”. Löysimme Bolognalaisen paahtimon nimeltä Essse Caffe´. Paahtimo on 10 suurimman paahtimon joukossa Italian HORECA sektorilla ja sillä on erittäin vanhva asema omalla vaikuttavuusalueellaan.
Maistoimme heidän kaikki kahvinsa läpi, ja vakuutuimme niitten laadusta ja soveltuvuudesta meidän markkinoille. Vuosien saatossa olemme kokeilleet muutamia pienempiä paahtimoa, mutta onglemaksi muodustui tuotteiden laatuvaihtelut,saattoi käydä niin että ensimmäinen erä oli hyvä mutta seuravan erän saapuessa kaikkien laitteiden säätöjä piti muuttaa.
Tiesitkö että Italiassa on tälläkin hetkellä 700-800 paahtimoa!
Essse Caffella on tuotteita joka lähtöön, teillekin löytyy varmasti oikea vaihtoehto, oli sitten hakusessa kahvia kotiin, kahvilaan tai ravintolaan tai laadukasta toimistokahvia.
Erityisesti uusi Arabica kahvi on lyhyessä ajassa hurmannut asiakkaamme, kyseessä on suhteellisen vaalea espresso kahvi jossa on mielyttävä hapokkuus.Tästä kahvista puhutaan nimikkeellä Aussi tyylinen, ja se pitää mielestämme paikkaansa. Nyt se on noussut meidän myydyimmäksi kahviksi,ja matka jatkuu….
HORECA sektorille löytyy lippulaiva tuote Miscella Massiini, jolle haemme yhteistyökumppaneita.Kysy lisää olemme valmiita panostamaan asiakassuheisimme hiukan enemmän. Pienille yrityksille tarjoamme halpoja mutta hyviä kapselikoneita jolla pääsee mukavasti alkuun ilman isoja investointeja.Pizzeriat, kioskit,kesäravintolat ym, ottakaa rohkeasti yhteyttä, niin mietitään Teille paras ratkaisu.
Kätevät teestickit ovat myöskin osittautuneet käytettävyydeltään ja laaduiltaan hyviksi. Kannataa kokeilla!

One of our gourmet and specialty blend, with a little bit of Australian style . This blend is very innovative and dedicated to the new trend of coffee tasters. 100% Arabica, fruity taste, good body and balanced acidity coming from Arabica from central and south America. If you see different colour beans inside the pack is because our policy is to mix the beans before roasting… The taste is very positive for all mouth, and persistence with many different coffee machines.
Also the design of the packaging is something very new and modern. The blend is certified by the Italian institute for espresso Only 7,5/8 grams needed per dose

Selezione Classica
Another blend typically loved by customer that are looking for a typical Italian taste, very chocolaty, nutty and with fullbody. It’s 70% Arabica and 30% Robusta.
The value of this blend is its persistence and its ease to use. Also if you don’t have a professional Barista in your coffee shop you can handle with this in a good way and always get a good cup of espresso. Also it’s very easy to make great crema.

This blend is the top seller around the world, it has a lot of crema and the taste is very round and great full-bodied. It’s 60% Arabica and 40% High quality Robusta. This is the best coffee if you want to have a balanced coffee with a taste profile that fits a wide range of palates.
Also this blend is very easy to handle and to set up with grinding.

One of our newest blend, it has approximately 95% Arabica, for sour taste and good acidity, Arabica from
central and south America, and 5% Robusta, spicy and fruity, a mix of India and Indonesian Robusta, this
blend is mixed also with some decaf coffee. If you see different colour beans inside the pack is because our
policy is to mix the beans before roasting…
The peculiarity (of this blend) is a little quantity of caffeine (about half than a
typical espresso) so it’s good to serve this coffee in the evening…and the taste is
really close to a regular espresso (and definitely better than a decaf)

SELEZIONE ESSSE coffee beans
This is the typical Italian blend very full-bodied and chocolaty taste, it is 80%
Arabica and 20% Robusta. It’s a good mix between Arabica and Robusta and
this is the taste that Italian people want to find in an espresso cup.
Sometimes it’s not well appreciated abroad as in Italy.

MISCELA MASINI coffee beans
This is our top of the range product and one of the best seller in Italy.
High percentage of Arabica (Central and South America, Ethiopia) with fruity and
flowery l taste, with very full bodied.
As every blend in our catalogue, the coffee beans are mixed before roasting and
it has not more than 10 different origins inside. What is great about this blend, is the persistency of the taste, we work all the
year to have always the same taste, even if the selected green beans coming
from same plantation could change , due to different conditions in weather from
crop to crop.
Our team of expert tasters make test every time we buy the green coffees and
they are specialized in correcting the blends to have always the same taste for
each blend. This is a great thing that all our customers around the world
recognize to us.

Kätevät tea-stickit

Breakfast tea
The classic breakfast tea. It has a rich hazelnut aroma and deep copper color. Drink it at any hour of the day, with a slice of lemon or a drop pf milk.

Earl grey tea
One of the most popular tea blends in the World, with fruity and distinctive taste.

Lemon Black tea
An enchanting tea, created by the union of Black tea leaves and delicious lemon flavours.

Lemon green tea
An enchanting tea, created by the union of green tea leaves and delicious lemon flavours.

Moroccan mint green tea
A green tea with mint flavour, the symbol of a warm welcome in the Moroccan tradition, with its refreshing and thirst-quenching properties.

Forest fruit tea
An infusion of Black tea leaves, blended with the flavour of wild berries.

Orange tea
An infusion of Black tea leaves, blended with the fragrant, warm flavour of oranges.

Rooibos red tea
Rooibos tea, also known as Redbush tea, comes from South Africa. This infusion of Redbush leaves is naturally caffeine-free and therefore perfect for a hot evening drink.
Double-layer borosilicate glasses